Virgil, quick, come see. There goes the Robert E. Lee

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and you down play the North's own aggression.

I do no such thing. I certainly take into account the North's role in the slave trade and condemn those northerners who participated in it. But the fact is that in the years leading up to the Civil War the North was moving away from slavery, to the point that many in the North were willing to support outlawing slavery nationwide. It was that very trend that the South feared so much and thought was coming with Lincoln's election. As far as aggression goes, who was the aggressor in the Civil War? There is no dispute about that, the South fired the first shot of the Civil War at Fort Sumter. Indeed, Edwin Ruffin, a Virginian at Fort Johnson proudly claimed credit for the very first shot fired at Fort Sumter. The Union forces at Sumter endured over 2 hours of shelling by the South before finally firing their own shots in reply.

You want to call the south a bunch of racists, ....

I have never said that. I don't think all Southerners today to be racist. Nor do I overlook that there are racists everywhere in this country. But racist or not, Southerners are by far the largest group of people who defend the likes of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis as heroes, whether due to racism or simply due to misguided loyalty to their Southern states.

Since you are bound and determined that the South is/ was and always will be based upon a Slave past and the North is the great emancipator.

I've never said that, either. You seem to want to put a great deal of words in my mouth that I never said. The South is not today what it was in 1861, and I don't tar current Southerners for the sins of past Southern leaders.

My focus here has simply been a simple one: Confederate leaders like Lee, Davis, etc., are not worthy of statues or other honors. You are the one who seemingly wants to make it into something more. Don't put words in my mouth or assume things I've not said.

So, to keep things focused, do YOU think Lee and Davis worthy of being put up on statues? If so, please do tell us what they did that is deserving of such an honor.
So, to keep things focused, do YOU think Lee and Davis worthy of being put up on statues? If so, please do tell us what they did that is deserving of such an honor.

Robert E Lee was a humble, genius war general worthy of statutes due to his pre Civil war commands alone. However, Lee did not want confederate statutes of himself put up in the first place so he had the foresight like all great leaders that it wasn't the correct thing to do. So, I would think he would not have a problem with the removal of the statue. I do have a problem with them digging up the dead confederates in their final resting places and removing them. I also do not think they need to remove Stonewall Jackson from Stone Mountain.

As far as Jefferson Davis goes, never was a fan so I have no comment on that one. Do not even know where any statues of him are located?

but to complete the title of this thread.....

..... I don't care if my money is no good, you take what you need and you leave the rest but they shouldn't have ever taken the very best.......
I do have a problem with them digging up the dead confederates in their final resting places and removing them.
Purely out of curiosity, do you have the same problem when the dead are dug up, etc. ETA: or blown up) to facilitate putting in a new roadway or.... building a border wall?
Purely out of curiosity, do you have the same problem when the dead are dug up, etc. ETA: or blown up) to facilitate putting in a new roadway or.... building a border wall?

LOL!, if they are in a city park or a cemetery then YES.

I do believe that to be a little much.

Funny how people treat this a some sort of a normality, sad state of affairs the current world is in.
Right - because history doesn't change when a monument to a traitor is removed. I feel that the statues that are removed should be replaced by some sort of memorial that educates.

something I might actually agree with you on.
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Robert E Lee was a humble, genius war general worthy of statutes due to his pre Civil war commands alone.

That's where you and I see differently. I don't think his pre-Civil war command comes anywhere close to outweighing his role in the Civil War. And those statues that are erected in his honor most often cite his role in the Civil War, not his role in the Mexican-American War or his time as superintendent of the Military Academy, as the reason for that honor.

As far as Jefferson Davis goes, never was a fan so I have no comment on that one. Do not even know where any statues of him are located?

There are a number of them, which you'd have known had you chosen to Google it. For example, there are (unless they have been removed recently) statues in his honor in the Alabama, Virginia, and Kentucky state capitols. And, of course, the statue of him in the U.S. Capitol in Statutory Hall that was donated by Mississippi. There are a number of others, too, but I'll not go and list them all here. You can do the search for it if you are interested.
There are a number of them, which you'd have known had you chosen to Google it. For example, there are (unless they have been removed recently) statues in his honor in the Alabama, Virginia, and Kentucky state capitols. And, of course, the statue of him in the U.S. Capitol in Statutory Hall that was donated by Mississippi. There are a number of others, too, but I'll not go and list them all here. You can do the search for it if you are interested.

I could care less those statues don't offend me, good luck getting Alabama, Kentucky, and/ or Mississippi removing anything confederate.

Home of Lynyrd Skynyrd and Talladega= Not happening
Doesn't surprise me in the least.

Yep, that doesn't surprise me either.

So, I take it from this that you get your feelings hurt from statutes and monuments?

That you need these statutes tore down to feel safer and better about yourself?

You say I am always inferring things from what you write, it is what you say and I assume what you mean.

History doesn't favor societies who destroy relics of their past, usually that is found in communist/ socialist countries.
History doesn't favor societies who destroy relics of their past, usually that is found in communist/ socialist countries.
Funny, that. I didn't see statues, etc. of Hitler or Mussolini in Germany or Italy (respectively), but saw plenty of Lenin and Stalin in Russia. Huh.

p.s. Lee and his horse were dismembered (for the purposes of storage).
Funny, that. I didn't see statues, etc. of Hitler or Mussolini in Germany or Italy (respectively), but saw plenty of Lenin and Stalin in Russia. Huh.

p.s. Lee and his horse were dismembered (for the purposes of storage).

disgusting, did you celebrate? Have you all picked out what dildos, drag queens, or blunt smoking felons you all plan to erect in its place?

ps I know where lots of confederates are buried and statues remain but would never tell, just like the Nazi's
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disgusting, did you celebrate? Have you all picked out what dildos, drag queens, or blunt smoking felons you all plan to erect in its place?
I thought it was interesting that it was dismembered for storage. Just one of those things one doesn't think about, but make sense.

Know any "might be a redneck" jokes? Those are likely up your alley, eh?
I thought it was interesting that it was dismembered for storage. Just one of those things one doesn't think about, but make sense.

Know any "might be a redneck" jokes? Those are likely up your alley, eh?

Nope, but I know lots of queer little northern sissy jokes.
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