Were/are we being lied to?

His right, my right or your right not to wear a mask is lying in Arlington National Cemetery... If you don't want to catch the virus that i suggest you stay in your house and not let anyone in. That is your right.. If you go out in public and not wear a mask.. that is your right. If you go out in public and wear a mask. that is your right. We live in a FREE country to make personal choices of our own. I make the choice to wear a mask. I support those that choose not to wear a mask as well. Honestly, A person not wearing a mask doesn't effect me. I keep my distance from everyone mask or not. I also bring hand wipes to wipe down any surface i may touch. I wear rubber gloves as well and wash my hands. I am taking care of myself..... As others should be doing. Then you don't have to worry about who is wearing a mask.
I will never understand the mentality of those of you who believe that your individual rights are more important that the rights of the community as a whole.

I wash my hands (literally) of the lot of you.
Is a "County Judge" even a judge in California or is it like my state where the County Judge is basically the mayor of the county?

The latter, kinda.

A Texas county judge is an elected position in the state of Texas according to the state's constitution.

Texas has a total of 254 counties, by far the largest number of counties of any state.

Each county is run by a five-member Commissioners' Court consisting of four commissioners elected from single-member districts (called commissioner precincts) and a county judge elected at-large.

Each county judge will serve with the four commissioners in a county to comprise the Commissioners Court, the governing body of that county.
I find it very curious that when it comes to elections, you're all gung ho about state's rights but when it comes to the wearing of a mask, you're supporting individual rights.So it's not really about state vs. individual, it's all in what benefits you personally. Inconsistency, thy name is PayrollDude.
I find it very curious that when it comes to elections, you're all gung ho about state's rights but when it comes to the wearing of a mask, you're supporting individual rights.So it's not really about state vs. individual, it's all in what benefits you personally. Inconsistency, thy name is PayrollDude.

I can see the way you might be confused but a reading of the 10th amendment might help clarify it for you.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Elections are clearly a state right. What one wears on their face is quite clearly an individual's. This clearly bumps up against another's right to feel protected against the virus. But the person that wants to feel protected has the right and the ability to say 6+ feet away from those that exercise the right to not wear a mask.

Which of course brings us all the way around to what this thread was about in the first place. I didn't hear the more liberal folks complaining at all while the BLM were out there not staying 6+ feet away from one another or, in many cases not wearing a mask or in even more cases not wearing it properly.
In New York City we have our own special mess, having perhaps the highest population density in the land to manage along with many strong personalities. A notable number of people are doing whatever they want, casting aside barriers and safety measures with police departments in a challenging position, including our mayor and governor .

As to coronavirus, nothing is conclusive. It is an ongoing learning experience yet a good number of our media outlets and politicians will seize upon some current observation (or educated guess) to cast it in a light that suits their agendas. Could there be a biological/genetic component correlating with the statistics we are witnessing? Certainly could be if we observe the role of genetics relating to malaria susceptibility. Another theory is that greater numbers in certain demographics can be explained by the number of essential workers jobs who have exposure, e.g. doormen, porters, delivery persons, etc. Now there is the theory that using the subway and public transportation represents the greatest potential for spread of COVID-19. There is also the question of death rates relating to poverty areas and the local hospitals and conditions. But I haven't seen anyone actually showing causation, just correlation implying causation to make their points that may be speculation masquerading as fact.
What one wears on their face is quite clearly an individual's.

Nothing "clear" about it as the Constitution does not expressly provide that individual right any where in it. Thus, absent a Supreme Court ruling to the contrary, the federal or state government may indeed require the wearing of masks as a matter of public health. Indeed, it has long been recognized in the law that the government has the power to regulate in matters of public health. Now, of course the Congress or the state legislature needs to pass a law requiring masks or empower the relevant agency to do and provide penalties for noncompliance for it to be required. But I see nothing in the law that says Congress and the states are prohibited from doing it.
I am married to a expert on Constitutional law and I still say you're a hypocrite. Please don 't assume what I have and have not read. Do you have a copy of the Constitution sitting on your coffee table nine months out of the year? I do.

I've called you on it before.You want the states to be self-governing. It's all about state's rights. Fine.You want the states, and not individuals to determine the Federal government. (And not all the states - only the few small rust belt states who can be counted on not to limit your access to a gun - the rest of the states and any issues they may have can all go hang). State's Rights! The Feds can't tell the states what to do! The states can govern themselves! They know what's best for their people!

Now, however, the states are governing. They're issuing regulations for their people FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY and the safety of the population as a whole. And what do you shout?


Pshaw, poppycock and a rousing Balderdash. Nothing but blatant hypocrisy.
I am married to a expert on Constitutional law and I still say you're a hypocrite. Please don 't assume what I have and have not read. Do you have a copy of the Constitution sitting on your coffee table nine months out of the year? I do.

I've called you on it before.You want the states to be self-governing. It's all about state's rights. Fine.You want the states, and not individuals to determine the Federal government. (And not all the states - only the few small rust belt states who can be counted on not to limit your access to a gun - the rest of the states and any issues they may have can all go hang). State's Rights! The Feds can't tell the states what to do! The states can govern themselves! They know what's best for their people!

Now, however, the states are governing. They're issuing regulations for their people FOR THEIR OWN SAFETY and the safety of the population as a whole. And what do you shout?


Pshaw, poppycock and a rousing Balderdash. Nothing but blatant hypocrisy.

So it seems you feel that if the state or federal government doesn't specifically say you have a right to X then you don't have a right to X?

P.S. Do you know even know what a "rust-belt" state is?
Nothing "clear" about it as the Constitution does not expressly provide that individual right any where in it. Thus, absent a Supreme Court ruling to the contrary, the federal or state government may indeed require the wearing of masks as a matter of public health. Indeed, it has long been recognized in the law that the government has the power to regulate in matters of public health. Now, of course the Congress or the state legislature needs to pass a law requiring masks or empower the relevant agency to do and provide penalties for noncompliance for it to be required. But I see nothing in the law that says Congress and the states are prohibited from doing it.

Is there a state out there that has a law on the books that someone must wear a mask?
Is there a state out there that has a law on the books that someone must wear a mask?

I haven't researched the law of every state to determine whether there is a requirement for it or whether an agency is empowered to require it. Bear in mind that the law may not need to expressly use the word "masks" to effectively require them. The requirement could be stated more generally. Whether any state currently does have any such requirement does not change my previous reply whatsoever. The fact is that absent an express ruling from the Supreme Court or relevant federal court of appeals saying otherwise a state may impose such a requirement should it choose to do so for the simple reason that the federal Constitution does not expressly prohibit the states from doing that.
I haven't researched the law of every state to determine whether there is a requirement for it or whether an agency is empowered to require it. Bear in mind that the law may not need to expressly use the word "masks" to effectively require them. The requirement could be stated more generally. Whether any state currently does have any such requirement does not change my previous reply whatsoever. The fact is that absent an express ruling from the Supreme Court or relevant federal court of appeals saying otherwise a state may impose such a requirement should it choose to do so for the simple reason that the federal Constitution does not expressly prohibit the states from doing that.

I have to disagree. Do you think a requirement to wear a red jacket or say a six pointed star on yourself would stand up to court scrutiny at the state or federal level?
So it seems you feel that if the state or federal government doesn't specifically say you have a right to X then you don't have a right to X?

P.S. Do you know even know what a "rust-belt" state is?

Since you evidently believe my level of intelligence is somewhere in the basement, there's no point in further discussion.
Since you evidently believe my level of intelligence is somewhere in the basement, there's no point in further discussion.

Well you mentioned "Rust-Belt" and "states who can be counted on not to limit your access to a gun" as the same thing. There are plenty of states in the former that aren't in the latter.

ETA: But let me make my political stance real clear. I want the government. be it state or federal, out of my life and the lives of the citizenry in general as much as possible and in keeping with the original meaning of the US Constitution.
Is there a state out there that has a law on the books that someone must wear a mask?

None that I have been able to discover, however many states have laws prohibiting wearing masks to arouse fear and alarm among the citizenry.

Those type laws were born as Jim Crow was being beaten to death.

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