Well-Known Member
pre-Nazi Germay, the far right is today our greater threat than socialism is.
LOL, since when did socialist democrats and far left ideology become far right in your mind?
The Nazi party is and always has been a far left ideology and aligns itself straight with the Democratic policies. Calling something so doesn't make it so, fraudulent elections, divisive ideology, control of media, propaganda all in the name of equality, creating social strive and then pitting those groups against one another. This is all out of the socialist democratic play book. It is sad that you all play the bill and fit it perfectly. Unless of course you buy into what the blue haters are telling you to believe.
The so called raid on the capital which the DNC controlled state fed you all is nothing more than a staged event allowed to happen.It resulted in a female protestor being murdered in the capital and yet it was allowed to happen.
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