WWGWD-- that is right what would George Washington do?

pre-Nazi Germay, the far right is today our greater threat than socialism is.

LOL, since when did socialist democrats and far left ideology become far right in your mind?

The Nazi party is and always has been a far left ideology and aligns itself straight with the Democratic policies. Calling something so doesn't make it so, fraudulent elections, divisive ideology, control of media, propaganda all in the name of equality, creating social strive and then pitting those groups against one another. This is all out of the socialist democratic play book. It is sad that you all play the bill and fit it perfectly. Unless of course you buy into what the blue haters are telling you to believe.

The so called raid on the capital which the DNC controlled state fed you all is nothing more than a staged event allowed to happen.It resulted in a female protestor being murdered in the capital and yet it was allowed to happen.
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LOL, since when did socialist democrats and far left ideology become far right in your mind?

The Nazi party is and always has been a far left ideology and aligns itself straight with the Democratic policies.

You're entitled to your opinion on that. I see it differently. Based on what the Nazis actually did while in power they certainly weren't socialists and didn't pursue policies that the Democrats today are pushing.

Calling something so doesn't make it so, fraudulent elections, divisive ideology, control of media, propaganda all in the name of equality, creating social strive and then pitting those groups against one another.

So you by the Trump lie that the elections were fraudulent? Are you a Trump supporter?

It is sad that you all play the bill and fit it perfectly. Unless of course you buy into what the blue haters are telling you to believe.

What's sad is that you continue to assume things about me and what I believe based on your worldview rather than having any actual understanding of me.
You're entitled to your opinion on that. I see it differently. Based on what the Nazis actually did while in power they certainly weren't socialists and didn't pursue policies that the Democrats today are pushing.

Based upon what your perceived view that the far right are racists? they wear sheets and go to clan meetings? If you examine the history of the socialist Nazi party then you will find tactics fully mirror the far left and not the right at all. The Socialist workers party is straight up democratic in nature. Jim Crow, Hillary Clintons BFF law partner, hell even the current own Biden administration all supported and voted for segregation through out their political careers until the wind change.

So you by the Trump lie that the elections were fraudulent? Are you a Trump supporter?

The only way I will ever believe Joe Biden won this past election is if a special run off election was held whereby only valid us citizens with valid state issue identification cards are allowed to vote similar to what is done in every county in every state in the middle of the country.

Unless of course you believe a puppet who did not even campaign and could not draw more than a few hundred at his so called rallies went on to be elected? There never should be allowed voting machines attached to the internet with servers held in foreign countries to count any votes ever from any election held in the United States.
Unless of course you believe a puppet who did not even campaign and could not draw more than a few hundred at his so called rallies went on to be elected?

No, I don't believe a puppet was elected.
In fact, I don't believe a Cadaver or even a reanimated corpse became president.

Yet, I sometimes observe a lackluster visage of a "shrinking, pallid" person (appearing to be a male) parroting "chatter points" and billed as POTUS.

On rarer occasions a female can be observed "caterwauling" similar sounding "chatter points".

The purveyors of this "caterwauling" person pronounce her to be VeeP.

The Cadaver running for president could draw only a couple dozen people to his rallies, while the Cadaver's "wannabe" VeeP drew even smaller crowds to her rallies.

The propagandists (posing as media outlets) assisted in the "sham".

Yet, millions of eager, enthusiastic voters swarmed to the polls to cast a vote (maybe a few votes) to elect the Cadaver and his VeeP on that November day of 2020.

IF a FREE, FAIR election is ever held again in the USA; perhaps the entire country will support the elected (not the touted shill) person.

Sun coming' up over New York City
School bus driver in a traffic jam
Staring out at the faces in a rear view mirror
Lookin' at the promise of the Promised Land
One kid dreams of fame and fortune
One kid helps pay the rent
One could end up going to prison
One just might be president
Only in America
Dreamin' in red white and blue
Only in America
Where we dream as big as we want to
We all get a chance
Everybody gets to dance
Only in America
Sun goin' down on an LA freeway
Newly weds in the back of a limosine
A welder's son and a banker's daughter
All they want is every thing
She came out here to be an actress
He was a singer in a band
They might just go back to Oklahoma
And talk about the stars they could have been
Only in America
Dreamin' in red white and blue
Only in America
Where we dream as big as we want to
We all get a chance
Everybody gets to dance
Only in America
Only in America
Dreamin' in red white and blue
Only in America
Where we dream as big as we want to
We all get a chance
Everybody gets to dance
Only in America
Yeah Only in America
Only in America
Where we dream in red white and blue
Yeah we dream as big as we want to
Only in America
only valid us citizens with valid state issue identification cards are allowed to vote

So. The mother of a friend of mine, at the age of 80-something, voluntarily surrendered her drivers license because of vision issues that made her uncomfortable with driving. She never opted to substitute a state-issued ID because she didn't feel she needed one. She was rarely if ever in a situation where she was required to prove her identity.

She was, nonethless, a US citizen, born in Massachusetts and never lived anywhere else.

So since she did not have a state-issued ID of some kind, she would not be allowed to vote?
So. The mother of a friend of mine, at the age of 80-something, voluntarily surrendered her drivers license because of vision issues that made her uncomfortable with driving. She never opted to substitute a state-issued ID because she didn't feel she needed one. She was rarely if ever in a situation where she was required to prove her identity.

She was, nonethless, a US citizen, born in Massachusetts and never lived anywhere else.

So since she did not have a state-issued ID of some kind, she would not be allowed to vote?

So she has no state issued ID? A voter registration card? Concealed Handgun License? Passport? I find it hard to believe if not 100 percent unbelievable that she doesn't have some sort of identification which will prove who she is and where she lives in order to verify her identity.

Each county is required to keep a registered voter roll in which is the persons precinct, voting location, school district, sen number, and JP.

Come on man! as corn pop would say.
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So. The mother of a friend of mine, at the age of 80-something, voluntarily surrendered her drivers license because of vision issues that made her uncomfortable with driving. She never opted to substitute a state-issued ID because she didn't feel she needed one. She was rarely if ever in a situation where she was required to prove her identity.

She was, nonethless, a US citizen, born in Massachusetts and never lived anywhere else.

So since she did not have a state-issued ID of some kind, she would not be allowed to vote?

All she has to do is ask get the ID. Sure she is a US citizen but how is anyone else going to know that? She can't get on an airline without an ID and voting is way more important.
She can't get on an airline without an ID and voting is way more important.

My wife and I were in the TSA (traveler search & assault) line December 2019 at Boise Airport.

We heard a female say, "I have no ID, but must travel to see my dying mother."

She was taken to a gentleman (appeared to be a boss) to plead her case. Two or three minutes later I observed same female (after she had been TSAed) being allowed to transit and exit a metal detector.

I later observed same female being allowed to board the flight to SEA, my wife and I later boarded.

I saw later when we boarded the plane seated and munching on peanuts.

A week or so later I ran into a pal, a muckity muck at Homeland Security who told me, "That happens everyday."

Only in Amurica, mate.
The only way I will ever believe Joe Biden won this past election is if a special run off election was held whereby only valid us citizens with valid state issue identification cards are allowed to vote similar to what is done in every county in every state in the middle of the country.

Then I guess you won't believe the facts that are available. Trump tried multiple lawsuits claiming fraud and LOST ALL of them — in front of both conservative and liberal judges. Why? Because he had no evidence of fraud whatsoever. Most of the claims were deemed frivolous. Trump made up the fraud, preached it to his followers, and the Trumpers (apparently you among them) bought the bogus story he sold. Why did Trump lie? As he told CNN back in 2015, "I do whine because I want to win and I'm not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win." So because he can't stand losing so much he'll whine and lie and make baseless allegations to try to win. The sad thing is that so many of his followers bought that without asking for actual proof of the fraud. Well, the courts are not so easily swayed without evidence as his followers are.

And I guess you won't believe Trump himself when finally all shots at bullying his way back into office failed he admitted a couple of weeks ago that he lost the election.

Why did he lose? In part because Trump's antics during his time in office, and in particular his mishandling of the covid-19 pandemic turned off a number of moderate Republicans like me.
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

----Carl Sagan[/QUOTE]

But Carl Sagan was no lawyer. You and I are, and you know as well as I do that the party bringing a claim of fraud has the burden to prove it with evidence. Trump failed to do that. Hell, in many cases he couldn't even state a good enough complaint to get past a motion to dismiss. So without evidence, he loses. And since he had no proof, just what was the basis of his fraud claims? Oh, that's right — NOTHING. If Trump couldn't come up with anything to support his fraud claims after throwing literally millions of dollars into the effort, I'm pretty comfortable that there was no widespread fraud, certainly not enough to change the election outcome. Certainly I wouldn't take it on just Trump's word as I knew him to be liar even before the 2016 election.
So she has no state issued ID? A voter registration card? Concealed Handgun License? Passport? I find it hard to believe if not 100 percent unbelievable that she doesn't have some sort of identification which will prove who she is and where she lives in order to verify her identity.

Each county is required to keep a registered voter roll in which is the persons precinct, voting location, school district, sen number, and JP.

Come on man! as corn pop would say.

So you're going to tell an 80-something woman who has never lived anywhere but the US that she's not entitled to vote in the country she's been a citizen of her entire life unless she goes to an RMV office (required in my state if you are over 75 - make sense of that one) to prove her identity in order to receive an ID that she will only use for one purpose once a year, some year?
All she has to do is ask get the ID. Sure she is a US citizen but how is anyone else going to know that? She can't get on an airline without an ID and voting is way more important.

No, not in Massachusetts she can't get one for the asking. At the age of 64 I could get one online. But once you pass the age of 75 you have to physically go to an RMV office and stand in line to prove your identity before you can get a state issued ID. Sure, she could prove her identity. She has or could easily get the documents she'd need for that. But why should she? She proved her identity when she registered to vote. Why does she have to prove it again when it comes time to do so? If she was a US citizen when she registered, why would she not be one when she came to vote?

And do not tell me about stolen identities and someone else voting under her identity. There's a hole in that claim so big that, as you said about the movie we were discussing down the street, you could fly the Enterprise D through it. And anyone who can't figure out what I mean by that should be removed from the voting rolls until they've taken a class in American Federal history, one in Civics, and one in logical thinking, and have to pass a test in all three before they can re-register.
So you're going to tell an 80-something woman who has never lived anywhere but the US that she's not entitled to vote in the country she's been a citizen of her entire life unless she goes to an RMV office (required in my state if you are over 75 - make sense of that one) to prove her identity in order to receive an ID that she will only use for one purpose once a year, some year?

Does she live in a county in a state that has the county clerk that can verify her information and send her a voter registration card? They have rolls and if she is a registered voter the she gets to vote. Gosh she would have registered to vote at some point in her 80 plus years. I realize liberals have problem with laws but red states don't and we love ever body. Now go back to watching CNN.

Oh and next time try and not to make the fraud so obvious not with a huge lead and then turn the lights out at 2 am to magically find the mail in ballots from mysterious unknown parts and scan them enough times till you get the desired results. No one including China and Russia believe the election and oh they are also sit back watching hoping for the moment the USA collapses.
Well you have to hand it to democratic liberals they invented a system where they can censor, erase, and dictate history while ignoring laws and trampling on freedoms.

I feel like Putin describing the USA as a weak mortally perverted nation with sissy whimpy leaders is accurate. I hope Trump gets the most he can from the liberal social media as he sues the crap out them again and again
I realize liberals have problem with laws but red states don't and we love ever body.

I'm sure you believe that red states love everybody. I wish that was true. A lot of people in red states are good folks, but I also have met more bigoted, racist, and narrow minded people in red states than blue, too (though there are some of those sorts in blue states, too).

IOh and next time try and not to make the fraud so obvious not with a huge lead and then turn the lights out at 2 am to magically find the mail in ballots from mysterious unknown parts and scan them enough times till you get the desired results.

That's not what happened. Trump's claims have muddled your memory, I think. Trump never had a "huge lead" that then mysteriously disappeared. Trump lost because all the ballots got counted. Sure, it took time to count them, that's nothing new. And when an election is close (at least electorally) you're not going to know the winner until they are all in.

No one including China and Russia believe the election and oh they are also sit back watching hoping for the moment the USA collapses.

ROLMAO! So let me get this straight — you believe the likes of Trump, Russia, and China? SMH

I will agree with you on the last bit of your post — China and Russia certainly would like to see a US political collapse. China would not like to see an economic collapse of the US, however, since China's economy still relies heavily on the US as it is still China's largest trading partner by a good margin. An economic collapse here would significantly hurt the Chinese economy.
Let me get this straight, Georgia under a fair election would never vote anything blue ever, i have been there in that state and the whole area is a scheming corrupt area. You all point out the differences and problems with the split in America. I would support the middle states which New York and California consider fly over anyways being allowed to form their own government with a headquarters in Texas. This would allow the east and west to practice their ideology without having to force the whole of the country to abide by their values and beliefs. How long could the blue states make it then when all the free stuff drys up?

Good Luck with that.
They have rolls and if she is a registered voter the she gets to vote

But that's not what you said, You said no one should be allowed to vote who doesn't have a state issued id. She was (she's passed away now but that's not the point) a registered voter but for various reasons no longer had a state ID. By your earlier definition she was therefore barred from voting.

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