WWGWD-- that is right what would George Washington do?

...you'd still be caught when the person in question showed up.

But the chances of that are very low if you do some research. In 2016 72.1% of Mass' of registered voters voted. It wouldn't be that hard for an organization to get a pretty good feel on who didn't and usually doesn't vote.
I don't have to have evidence as I'm not taking it to trial. But it could be done and as I said without hearing from a number of the "voters" under oath I don't see how it could be proved.
Well, then, without any proof that it did, I guess we have to conclude that it didn't, don't we?

^ most all of the ballot stuffing evidence video footage has been altered and deleted by the major liberal fascist firms but DuckDuckgo still has several sites that link to the actual footage. Multiple ballot stuffing and fraud ballots being counted after they were supposedly suspended and the monitors went home for the evening.
Uh-huh. Sure it has. Sure it is.

The only reason the question of wide spread voter fraud even came up is that one orange-flavored sore loser, who knows there's at least a reasonable chance that he'll be in jail before the 2022 mid-terms is screaming it as loud as he can in the hopes that he'll convince enough slow-minded non-thinkers that if you repeat it often enough, it must be true and thus save him from the consequences of his own actions.
Uh-huh. Sure it has. Sure it is.

The only reason the question of wide spread voter fraud even came up is that one orange-flavored sore loser, who knows there's at least a reasonable chance that he'll be in jail before the 2022 mid-terms is screaming it as loud as he can in the hopes that he'll convince enough slow-minded non-thinkers that if you repeat it often enough, it must be true and thus save him from the consequences of his own actions.

Wow, does it take more slow minded thinkers to believe everything the democratic ran news outlets and political opinionated operatives with the major tech firms who cancel, erase, modify and delete counter argument ideas and posts? Sounds more like a Socialist/ Nazi ideology than a free society one, what is a liberal democracy? For the nation is a Republic for which it stands.

It is not just democrats but RINOs too who want to keep the gravy train coming unless of course you think Hunter Biden's paintings are really worth 500k each, At least Trump cared about America and American's, wasn't on personal vendetta witch hunt to change America through forced policies of inclusion and gender mutilation on children who might have said they wish they were the opposite sex at 5 years of age. The democrats stand for nothing I believe in and morally can align myself with.

The agenda/ party of low thinkers are those who believe everything they are feed via their own politically controlled media sources and social tech firms who are basically mining information on people and don't care about America at all as they see emerging markets as better opportunity. The problem then becomes expounded upon when major voting software companies are allowed to source this data out of country and there is no protection from manipulation. I believe that you will continue to see vastly different political parties being able to get elected here not on the merit of a valid election but in order to still fear, cause chaos, and sew division in order to ultimately disable and eventually collapse the USA and its political system. That is the true design and desire of the controlling class and their operatives.

but what do I know, just another slow thinker according to you. The question then becomes what would a true patriot like George Washing be able to do? Nothing for he wouldn't exist and never would have been able to resist the machine that is today.
At least Trump cared about America and American's,

No. Trump cares only about one person: himself. If you've paid any kind of close attention to the man over the years, including before he ran for president, that becomes very apparent.

but in order to still fear, cause chaos, and sew division

You've just described Trump's campaign strategy.

In my view both political parties are seriously damaged because they cater only to narrow special interests and really don't care all that much about the majority of the people in this country. They both follow the money and power, and forget the people whom they are really supposed to be serving. And yet Americans keep voting for politicians who don't really do anything to help the ordinary citizen. We get the government we voted for.

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