Recent content by Wolfmann

  1. W

    WorkPlace Harrassment & Discrimination

    Are you in a position of trust with this money where you may be responsible for it regardless of your presence? You were suspended for smelling like pot or having friends? You should be able to get a list of policies before and after and do a comparative analysis. Was it due to...
  2. W

    WorkPlace Harrassment & Discrimination

    Is there any place that I can get caselaw on workplace discrimination and harrassment issues, settlements, and awards that I can use to do my homework on this and prepare for mediation? I have some human rights case-law, but nothing that directly relates to workplace harrassment and...
  3. W

    WorkPlace Harrassment & Discrimination

    The Human Rights Commission of Ontario saw sufficient grounds to accept her case, but all I'm really looking for is leverage advice during mediation: what can we realistically look for, ask for, and any specific strategies I could use. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1) If you are claiming...
  4. W

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication cocaine possesion

    That's amost $30,000 at street value level. That's a lot of friggin' coke for an 18 year old to have. Way more than personal use. It is a very serious conviction he's facing. Depending on the case expect to serve some jail time. But that's not really the issue here. What the issue here is the...
  5. W

    Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Possession of 1 gram of cannibus

    Talk to the public defender or legal aid lawyer. Possession is possession, and it's a criminal offence. Whether you go to court or not is inconsequential to the fact you committed and were found to be committing a criminal offence. When you at the court house you'll generally wait outside...
  6. W

    Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant No search, No Consent, just SEIZURE!

    You had cocaine in your possession. What do you expect? Anything else they have to formulate a justification for search based on protection, securing evidence, or policy/law guidelines. Anything that is visible is fair game.
  7. W

    Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant weapons my ciggarette pack...???

    First of all, why do you have a bag of meth? Second, you asked an officer of the law for a ride when you knew you had an illegal and controlled substance. You consented to a search. Which you later withdrew. But for whatever reason he decided you were being threatening. Third, you gotta...
  8. W

    Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant no permission to search

    That's too bad. It's going to be a hassle. Your first It's not necessarily an illegal search. The officers at the scene have a right to protect themselves, suspects, and citizen against violence. Generally police only have authority to search for protections of themselves, to...
  9. W

    I'm the only female...diff rules for males?

    What would you get out of it in the end? What you're talking about sounds a lot like the crap I deal with every day as a duty manager and trying to keep everyone happy. Talk to human resources about it, or go to the owner if you have access to him/her. The important thing is that you need...
  10. W

    A Prisoner in my own home

    That sucks. Is she a whack job? Personally I'd do everything she does like a mirror. Camera is probably your best bet. If you have a PC you can buy an inexpensive USB web camera and point it out a window that will cover her ingress and egress areas. You'd be best to get inexpensive home...
  11. W

    Is this a Case for Age Discrimination?

    Start a paper trail. As natty and fake as H.R. types can be, H.R. Managers or Directors generally aren't stupid. If there is a clear issue they will want to resolve it. I wouldn't really expect much, but if you kept being fed a line of bullshit just keep escalating it until someone listens...
  12. W

    Employer did NOT internally post several jobs. Favoritism?

    Look up your employment laws. In Canada it's law both at the federal and provincial level (most provinces) that employers MUST post competitions and even has minimum requirements for what is on or in these competitions. There is a stepped process that escalates if they cannot find a suitable...
  13. W

    WorkPlace Harrassment & Discrimination

    I'll try and keep this brief as it's a complicated situation. Please feel free to ask for clarifications. Last year my wife went to work for a new employer in a part-time status in June of 2003. She's fully qualified, has 5+ years of industry experience, has been a supervisor in her previous...
  14. W

    Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft caught shoplifting (NEED HELP FAST)

    Never sign anything. In fact keep your mouth shut during the process. Generally though the whole process should be pain free. I don't know of anyone in Canada (I know you're in the US) that has done time for shop lifting the first time. Probation is still probation: it still implies a criminal...
  15. W

    Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant False arrest

    Keep a copy of all your evidence in a safety deposit box. Just speak with your counselor. Even if the system is corrupted, it still has to stand up to an appeals decision from a higher court. Another strategy, especially if the chief of police or sheriff is an elected representative...the...