Mental Health Thread #8 - Fall is here!!

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Perhaps the court in your state will issue an arrest warrant for contempt of court. That might help.

Very often court orders for custody from one state will have to be affirmed in another state before they can be enforced. It can be a sticky wicket.
Happy Halloween, everyone. ......................
Happy? Ugh ... lessee ... Friday night, college town nearby, mutual aid already requested, rumors of gang "initiation" to include shootings, students from around the region descending on the area ... oh, yeah - "fun!"

On the plus side, it ought to be real quiet in my town as everyone will be at the high school football game (an away game), and the older kids and even many adults will be out of town partying!
Homecoming and Halloween here so, yeah, avoiding campus after dark like the plague. Continuing my Halloween tradition of going to dinner. Restaurants aren't crowded, no kids, great service.
The kids enjoy it. I enjoyed going Trick or Treating as a kid & even enjoy giving out to the kids as an adult. This year not so much as my brother who lived with me & gave out the treats with me passed away this year.
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I'm just praying that the rain will hold off here tonight...we're taking my 7-year-old granddaughter trick-or-treating. My two youngest grands have always liked to alternate between us and their parents for Halloween; one will go with us one year and the other the next. Not sure how this tradition got started but they love it. We have one neighborhood where the police block off the streets and pretty much every house is decorated and gives out lots of candy, so we usually go there and to one "trunk or treat" event. As long as it isn't pouring rain and blowing 25 mph I'll be happy.

Is anyone else dressed up for the day today? I don't usually dress up, or dress up very dramatically, but I went all out this year. I have always said that I wanted my business cards to read "Queen of Human Resources" so I ended up picking one of the most famous queens in history and dressed as Cleopatra!
94 trick or treaters. It was cold & windy too.
Well we didn't want to pay an attorney $1500 and wait another 20 days at least and give her a chance to run again, so we went (800 miles) to get them and thankfully the school released them to us. Kids weren't even living with Mama. She dumped them on Grandma(who already had 3 other grandkids living with her) and was living with boyfriend. We're all very tired but all happy to be home.

And CDW yes we could get a warrant for her arrest in TX but it's not like they would go to another state to get her. It would only help if she came back here.
I'm glad you got the kids - tired is worth the happy. :)
94 trick or treaters. It was cold & windy too.

I'm amazed at the kind of weather the kids will go out in for free candy. We took my 7-year-old granddaughter out and she was so funny...she was a girl on a mission! She didn't dawdle or want to wander around, it was all about go to the door, get the candy, and move on. We took her sister last year and she kind of meanders around, looks at all the decorations people have up, checks out the candy, but not the little one. It was raining and about 45 degrees and she was cold and just wanted to get in out of the wet. We passed her off to her dad while her mom & older sister were still out, but she was perfectly happy to get in the nice warm van and wait with her dad for them to get done. Can't say I blame her!
I'm not dressed up at work but I have a costume for this evening. Meow.

I dressed as a Human Resources Professional. It is my costume every year. I did wear a black suit with an orangish top as a nod to the holiday.
I was in a wedding so I was off work, and dressed up in formal attire for the ceremony and later on, in Ren Faire clothing to party. It was a lot of hard work (I was carving pumpkins for table numbers and the bride and her maids were icing cookies for table favors at midnight the night before) but it was for dear friends and it really did turn out great and was a blast.

Very happy for you txls.
It was cold & windy here for Halloween but no rain - yesterday upper 70s - currently 63. Strange weather.
Rain ... out here we need rain! It's NOT coming, yet!
The faculty of our largest school voted unanimously to overturn the benefits changes implemented for next year. Never mind that they don't have the authority to force the change on the university, they held that vote the day before Open Enrollment started. Then they were surprised the OE began as scheduled.

Um, yeah, right. We'll get right on overturning a years worth of work in 24 hours.
Rain ... out here we need rain! It's NOT coming, yet!

We've been having rain in abundance lately, and I would be more than happy to send you some of ours. Think we can figure out a way to rig up a pipeline from Alaska to California? (We have an oil pipeline, why not water?!)
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