The Very Sad Ending to What Was Once Thought to be a Great Presidency.

army judge

Super Moderator
Millions just witnessed the end of a presidency live on television.

Joe Biden's performance during the debate was embarrassing.

Whenever CNN put him up on the split screen, he had a thousand-yard stare.

He didn't look old.

He looked ancient.

He looked empty.

But at least he wasn't speaking.

Because when it was his time to answer, Biden was incoherent.

He said he "beat Medicare."

Asked about abortion, he randomly started talking about migrant crime.

"I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence," former President Donald Trump noted at one point, "and I don't think he knows what he said, either."

At one point, Biden just froze.

The administration can't say it's a "cheap fake" — everyone saw it happen.

The weird sound you heard last night was Democratic operatives everywhere screaming at their televisions.

Biden can't survive this.

It is political malpractice to let him continue to run for re-election.

It is national malpractice to let him continue.

Biden spent an entire week preparing for this debate, and this is the best he could do.

That should terrify everyone.

Let's say that, shockingly, Democrats don't intervene to replace President Biden as their candidate.

Say, implausibly, 81-year-old Biden wins.

He won't be getting any sharper.

During a second term, our president would continue to deteriorate, incapable of making proper decisions.

That would be a disaster for the United States.

On policy, Biden had no answer to the inflation or the border disaster, two of the most important issues to voters.

But, sadly, that's almost beside the point.

Biden was so mumbling, so doddering, so lacking in command of the facts that it overshadowed everything.

Asked about his age, Biden didn't defend his acuity, instead reminiscing about the old days, we think in the 1800s.

No wonder the White House keeps him hidden, away from the press and public events.

The Democrat elite are pulling a con job on the American people, and it was exposed last night.

The scary part of this and what really worries me is who the hell is running the country. Not only do the American people now know the truth but so do our adversaries.
I've got my suspicions.
If the truth is ever revealead, and it will be revealed one day, I won't be surprised.
However, many of my fellow citizens will scream in fear.
The reveal will be the biggest piece of news of all time, in fact, it'll shock the world.
Well, well, well; this was to be expected.

The heat is on.

Former President Barack Obama urged voters to stick with President Joe Biden despite an uneven debate performance Thursday.

"Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know," Obama wrote Friday in a post on X. "But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn't change that, and it's why so much is at stake in November."

Biden's delivery in the first presidential debate between him and former President Donald Trump fueled concerns from members of his own party that, at age 81, he's not up for the task of leading the country for another four years.

University of Michigan Presidential Debate Expert Aaron Kall called Biden's performance "probably the worst performance of a candidate, certainly an incumbent candidate, ever."

Democrat lawmakers on Friday acknowledged Biden's poor showing but tried to stop talk of replacing him as their standard bearer, and instead tried to shift the focus onto Trump's attacks and falsehoods that they hoped would remind voters of the daily turbulence of his presidency.

Biden appeared to acknowledge the criticism during a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Friday

"I don't debate as well as I used to," he said. "But I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done."

Speaking for 18 minutes, Biden appeared far more animated than his showing the night before, and he excoriated Trump for his "lies" and campaign aimed at "revenge and retribution."

"The choice in this election is simple," Biden said. "Donald Trump will destroy our democracy. I will defend it."

He added, alluding to his candidacy, "When you get knocked down, you get back up."


Poster's note:
Our wonderful country is not today, nor was it ever a democracy. Our founders created a "constitutional republic". The United States of America, a nation I proudly served for 35 years, five of those years in combat, is still a great "constitutional republic".

It saddens me when people call her a democracy, something our founders feared she might become.

Proverbs 28:1

"The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion."​
The scary part of this and what really worries me is who the hell is running the country. Not only do the American people now know the truth but so do our adversaries.
Many have believed for several years that Biden is not in charge. Says what he's told to say, does what he's told to do. Very sad, indeed, for the world to see
There are also those who believe that the earth is flat, or that the Holocaust never happened, or that one need not pay any income tax. Belief in something does not make it true.
Biden reminded me of my Dad in his later years. It took some time to get his thoughts out, but he was still sharp as a tack. Few decisions at the Presidential level are made in a split second. At least Joe didn't lie for 90 minutes.

And if all T***p could hang on Joe was misstating his golf handicap? Morals of an alley cat indeed.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a cripple (sorry - disabled), wracked with pain on a daily basis throughout his Presidency, yet he successfuly brought the US through post-Depression Era recovery and most of World War II.

Just sayin'.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a cripple (sorry - disabled), wracked with pain on a daily basis throughout his Presidency, yet he successfuly brought the US through post-Depression Era recovery and most of World War II.

Just sayin'.
FDR was of a different generation, furthermore having been born in 1882, the 19th century, personal behavior and decorum seemed more prevalent than what today's human lifeforms exhibit daily.

His generation didn't allow handicaps/disabilities to hinder their development or progress.

Politics (citizens) weren't as nasty in their day, as they seem to have descended to today.

Civility and personal decorum (as well as responsibility and citizenship) were far more important to prior generations than what I'm observing in the 21st century.
It saddens me when people call her a democracy, something our founders feared she might become.

I feel no such sadness because America is a democratic nation. There are two general types of democracy: direct democracy and a democratic republic. The latter is what the U.S. has. A direct democracy would be very difficult to implement in a large nation like the U.S. and the public is not knowledgeable about the more complex issues government face today to make truly informed decisions about them. We instead rely on citizens to select (hopefully) good people to do that job for us. The problem is right we have two candidates who are not fit for the job. Politics aside, both men have shown significant memory and cognitive decline in the last four years. Whomever of the two we elect we aren't going to get the kind of leadership we need. The Parties failed the voters in this one.
Did you know that Jack Webb as Friday on Dragnet never said, "The facts mam, just the facts", yet that phrase is attributed to him. I bring this up because a lot is going on right now and we, as voters, need to make reasoned decisions about who our next President is going to be.

What Friday said was, "all we want are the facts, mam."
(it is season 2, The Big Lease) and the words are spoken at 21:45-22:05 on the timeline. But the episode is a good watch, nonetheless.

There are basically two kinds of personalities in humans. There are right brained and left brained persons. In a left brained person, you have a predominance of logic, science, sense of time, analysis, and language. In a right brained person, you have a predominance of creativity, art, intuition, and imagination. That has been shown through many, many scientific studies over many years. So, ask yourself which personality are you. Are you right or left brained. It is very important to know how you perceive what you are subjected to in the way of information. If you are left brained, you might be more analytical before you believe what you are told. If you are right brained, you might just be excepting of what you are told as truth (such as in the media) without any analysis and go with that.

If you are a scientist, you use the scientific method to propose a hypothesis and then you test it. There is no room for subjective thinking. Objective means based on facts and evidence, while subjective means based on feelings or opinions. Facts or feeling? Feeling and opinions are not facts, and they are not truths.

Now, I could go on about what is subjective and object realities as a matter of philosophy because I love philosophy but that is not my intention here. My intent in this post is to say that you should be introspective about why you would favor one candidate over another. Do you hate Trump more than you love this country?

That should be a simple answer for you. The answer is yes or no. Think about that when you vote.
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Is it too late to get you nominated?

You are probably more capable than either of them.

Not too late. But the rules of the parties would have to be followed in order to do it, and those rules would make it nearly impossible to substitute another candidate unless the current candidate either drops out of the race, dies, or becomes incompetent. Current party rules generally favor the candidate that their party members actually voted for. Even if I might do a better job than either of them, it's not a job I want. A little blurb on my presidency in history, if it would exist at all, isn't worth all the trouble of that job to me. I'd run if the party asked, but I'm not going to throw my hat in the ring to seek the job. I don't see ether party looking to as their leader. I'm not bombastic enough. I'd focus on the issues and what I'd do about them and largely ignore trying to tar and feather my opponent. But the mudslinging is what many voters today seem to want more than actual solutions to their particular problems. For example, why poor and middle class Republicans vote for candidates over and over who vote for tax cuts to rich while not lowering their taxes much (see the Trump tax Act) and why most rich and middle class Democrats keep voting for candidates who want to an ever larger government and increasingly large social programs, and who vote for higher taxes to pay for it, is a mystery to me. I don't see those as votes for candidates that care about the middel class or will do much to help the middle class. In short, IMO, neither party today is really built for the benefit of the middle class.
Not too late. But the rules of the parties would have to be followed in order to do it, and those rules would make it nearly impossible to substitute another candidate unless the current candidate either drops out of the race, dies, or becomes incompetent. Current party rules generally favor the candidate that their party members actually voted for. Even if I might do a better job than either of them, it's not a job I want. A little blurb on my presidency in history, if it would exist at all, isn't worth all the trouble of that job to me. I'd run if the party asked, but I'm not going to throw my hat in the ring to seek the job. I don't see ether party looking to as their leader. I'm not bombastic enough. I'd focus on the issues and what I'd do about them and largely ignore trying to tar and feather my opponent. But the mudslinging is what many voters today seem to want more than actual solutions to their particular problems. For example, why poor and middle class Republicans vote for candidates over and over who vote for tax cuts to rich while not lowering their taxes much (see the Trump tax Act) and why most rich and middle class Democrats keep voting for candidates who want to an ever larger government and increasingly large social programs, and who vote for higher taxes to pay for it, is a mystery to me. I don't see those as votes for candidates that care about the middel class or will do much to help the middle class. In short, IMO, neither party today is really built for the benefit of the middle class.

Do you really think that Jack was serious?
Do you really think that Jack was serious?

Actually, I was serious.

I have read TC's material for maybe 20 years. He goes right to the heart of important issues and suggests serious solutions. The qualities a President should have.

If not TC, then someone with those abilities.

Not the two choices we face now.

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