Ebay Fraud

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ebay item not sent

In March, I won an ebay bid for a Euphonium, for $122.50. At that time, I requested that the seller send the item by US Postal service, because I live in Japan and the UPS guys don't drive this far. We paid by PayPal, and the seller, gaming casino, said that they sent the horn and it was received by a receptionist. (????) After I wrote them several e-mails, they said that the item was returned to them, and they couldn't send it to me by US Postal Service because they would have to pay for shipping again.
At this time, I haven't received a horn or a refund, and I can't seem to get through to ebay because of some problem with cookies. What can I do?


you need to contect Paypal because you have some protection if you paid by them and they have power to stop the trader's account.

You can find the " Buyer Complaint Form " by clicking the " Security Center " link at the bottom of any PayPal page. Try;


PayPal will investigate your claim and attempt to collect all funds deemed recoverable.

More information is available from the Paypal Help Center, look for " PayPal Buyer Protection . eBay and Paypal are now one company. For information, see;


or do a search for " I didn't receive an item I paid for ".

Do not let them get away with it. If not for your own sake, then for the sake of the next person they try and defraud.

For such high value purchases consider " Money Back Guarantee " option.

I am very sorry to hear of your problem.


Originally posted by japanmama
In March, I won an ebay bid for a Euphonium, for $122.50. At that time, I requested that the seller send the item by US Postal service, because I live in Japan and the UPS guys don't drive this far. We paid by PayPal, and the seller, gaming casino, said that they sent the horn.

What can I do?

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Thanks for your reply. I think my problem is with cookies that my computer won't accept or allow. I need help to get past this to get into paypal.
BTW, I'm not Japanese. I'm an American at a US Military Base located in Japan.

I too was scammed by a guy on Ebay selling molbile phones who resides @

119 Millfield Avenue
E17 5HN

but this time the guy is going by the alias - Jerry Basset.

using this email address: www_alin_c0m@yahoo.co.uk

I have spoke to Western Union and they will put a stop on anyone who tries claiming under this name but as i can see from previous posts he changes his name like most people change underwear.

I lost out on £200+ and i was wondering is there anyway i can reclaim this or is it lost for good?? Might have to put the over-time in if it is!!

How do i go about reporting this to a higher power who can take it to court & nail this prick for bein a fraudlant tw@t!?
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More eBay / Western Union fraud at 119 Millfield Avenue, London


can you edit your post to include the auction number? When were you stung by them? What was the eBay ID they were using? If they were offering multiple items, please contact the other bidders to warn them and make them aware of this thread.

Who did you speak to at Western Union? Customer Services or the Compliance Department?

You can report it to your local police station but you will have to be very persistent. They must by law take the report. You can tell them the matter of this specific fraudster has been raise with the specialist computer crime directorate.


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the same crop has come to cheat on Hong Kong people. he still leaves the same address.
I almost xfer money to him....
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Not entirely relevant, but it gave me a - bitter - laugh...

Was speaking to my parents in Scotland this morning, who told me that the newspapers there have been reporting a matter of ebay fraud linked to the sale of Tickets for the music festival "T in the Park." Apparently some fraudster sold 25 sets of non-existent tickets, and netted about £8000 in total. It wasn't paid through Western Union but by cheque, with each one being sent to an address in Glasgow (knowing the area where the address is, that would have worried me immediately! :p ) Of course, now that the journalists are taking action on behalf of the "common people," everybody is scandalised and up in arms about the whole affair. The best bit is, though, is ebay's comment:

"We would ask these people to contact our 24-hour customer support team and their local police who we will then work with. We are always happy to investigate individual cases of suspected fraud."


Anyway, if you want to read the article, it's found on the Scotsman website

I have just finished reading all of your posts. I am truly sorry to hear about all of the problems everyone has been having with this fraudster. As as ebay seller/buyer I have received many spoof emails claiming to be from ebay and asking that I click on a link to update my information. Fortunately for me I am wiser to the game than to do so. Unfortunately most sellers, some new and old, do not realize by clicking on this link that you are basically giving your account to someone, and its not ebay. Considering the same address is being given, has anyone ever attempted to go to this location, by all means do not attempt to go by yourself, have the police tag along. Personally I would have had the police at the door banging it down already, then again I don't know how things work in the U.K. To those that have escaped the fraud, good job on checking up on searches. My recommendation is that you do not purchase from a seller that does not accept paypal, this is one of the most secure ways to pay, not that its foolproof, because many spoof emails are sent claiming to be from paypal as well. And please remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Good luck and I hope you catch that s*n of a B*t*h.

p.s. ebay now offers buyer protection up to a certain amount but with paypal purchases only.
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some ebay discussion board message

ebay message board discussions in reference to "daniel levinson"
seems he's also using an additional address (see 2nd link)



Here is the general index for the message board, you can find many messages from other ebay users on who to avoid, which escrow sites are fraudulant and so on...good luck

Yep, I got scammed by this bloke in Scotland for tickets for T in the Park. He called himself Fulton Reynolds, but it could be a made up name. He cashed our cheques and vanished.

Thank fully the bank said they'd refund our money, but we need a police report for that and the police is a bit reluctant to log it as a crime. But I think now that we're getting some media attention and it looks like he's done it to loads of people they're taking t more seriously.
Yep, I got scammed by this bloke in Scotland for tickets for T in the Park. He called himself Fulton Reynolds, but it could be a made up name. He cashed our cheques and vanished.

Thank fully the bank said they'd refund our money, but we need a police report for that and the police is a bit reluctant to log it as a crime. But I think now that we're getting some media attention and it looks like he's done it to loads of people they're taking t more seriously.

could you try and remove or edit one of your posts out and post details of user ID, auction numbers, name and address so that others can be warned of these fraudsters?

Thank you,


Originally posted by Cazz
Yep, I got scammed by this bloke in Scotland for tickets for T in the Park. He called himself Fulton Reynolds, but it could be a made up name. He cashed our cheques and vanished.
eBay / Western Union Fraud Scam London - Honk Kong

Do you mean the same London based fraudsters?

Can you post auction numbers, ebay IDs, names and address please?

Thank you,


Originally posted by my1wong
the same crop has come to cheat on Hong Kong people. he still leaves the same address.
I almost xfer money to him....
Hong Kong guy

Probably not my place to answer, but that post was modified very quickly. I came across it 2 minutes after it was posted and, at first, there were auction details, website links etc. 5 minutes later, all that was removed to leave what there is now . It was the 119 Millfield Avenue address given in the original post, though.
Hope I'm helping. :rolleyes:
and not meddling :D
E17 5HN

That address appears to be in Walthamstow.

I've been in that area alot recently while working ~ if I head that way again, I'll try and get a look at the property for you and let you know what I see....

Of help to you?

JJ. :)
Hi guys. I`m from guess where? ROMANIA -). Here is what I can tell you on this situation. The guy that did this isn`t smart, he probably used a computer in a Internet Caffe, if he was smart he would had chosed other methods. Alot of people are involved in cybercrime around here. What I advise you to do is beware, the Romanian judicial system is a very poorly organized one, with policeman that can`t tell cocaine from sugar and judges that wouldn`t understand how could this be crime when the check was SENT VOLUNATRILY to this person, and even if he got convicted it would be to 3 years with posibility of parole, so the guy kinnda gets away with it.
What you can do IS NOT buy ANYTHING from Romanian sellers that ARE NOT certified, have positive feedback and accept escrow services (such as escrow.com).
I`ll post here a list of webpages of Romanian authorities that could help...I know that they won`t...why? because they don`t udually speak english, don`t understand what a computer is so the internet is kinnda out of the question. ISPs here will do close to nothing to help you, they "value" costumers and it`s hard to prove who scammed you when it was done from a Internet Caffe. Again, what I stress is that YOU SHOULD NOT (no matter how good the price is) do business with Romanian sellers that are not certified and NEVER accept to pay using Western Union, tell them to register with StormPay.com or iKobo.com chances are they won`t even understand what that is all about and just drop it. Ironically, many times I get e-mails from "sellers" that live here, and I keep hoping someday it will be a guy that lives in my city so I can go and "deliver" the payment personaly.
Please post details of fraudulent eBay auctions / Western Union fraud


if you have been a victim of eBay / Westen Union fraud, please post details of fraudulent eBay auction numbers, ebay IDs, addressed to which Western Union fraud scam payments were requested.

Save someone else from experiencing the loss that you have.


Address: 119 Millfield Avenue
Zip: E17 5HN
City: London
Country: United Kingdom


Phone # 0040723941705

Tudor Vladimirescu #5

Danny Peeters
75 croyland rd. Edmonton
N9 7BE


Lorene Patrik
12 Sixt Avenue
Queens park London

Sandra Hastrup
12 Adeola street Egbeda Lagos

Lora Marconi
580 Barking Road

004 0744 867 144

Full name: Jean Lienard
Address: 82 Morley Avenue
Zip Code: N22 6NG
City: London
State: England
Country: UK

Jody Halliday

The name may be not new but I just got frauded 15 days ago by this person. I did not realise until I found this forum this morning. I transferred £92 to his/her account on 10 August and now the name appeared on my bank statement.

My money has gone now but I hope this info can stop someone else from being cheated again.

His/her details sent to me via email are:
> > Jody Halliday
> > 6 Seamer House
> > Idle
> > Bradford
> > West Yorkshire
> > BD10 9JD
> >
> > My bank details are;
> > Jody Halliday
> > Lloyds TSB Bank
> > Account no: 10654168
> > Sort Code: 77-71-62

He/she is using email address ---> kenny_goods@yahoo.co.uk
to correspond.

Now the email full header is like this:

X-Originating-IP: []
Return-Path: <kenny_goods@yahoo.co.uk>
Received: from (HELO smtp003.mail.ukl.yahoo.com) ( by mta199.mail.dcn.yahoo.com with SMTP; Tue, 10 Aug 2004 07:14:18 -0700
Received: from unknown (HELO aaa) (kenny?goods@ with login) by smtp003.mail.ukl.yahoo.com with SMTP; 10 Aug 2004 14:14:16 -0000
Message-ID: <005a01c47ee4$c5f61aa0$4744fea9@aaa>
From: kenny_goods@yahoo.co.uk Add to Address Book
References: <20040809231349.56397.qmail@web60410.mail.yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: eBay Item: Sony DSC-F77 4 Megapixel Digital Still Camera (Item #3832277831)
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 15:12:32 +0100

You can see the item #3832277831. He is using ebay ID as nicokens, effective from 6 August 04. I should have check... but its too late now.

I heard the bank will refund the money we transferred but they need a police report. Can someone tell how true is this?

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